Wednesday, August 27, 2008

You know your day is going downhill when.....

The only thing that will make you feel better after just feeling soooo tired and blah is an amazing bowl of chicken and vegetable soup. This is what I had my heart set on today for lunch....I go to the same place pretty much daily for this amazing soup...I really thought I'd be eating alone today...have a nice peaceful lunch...nope I had company today for lunch....this is what joined me in my soup today.....LOL

I tried to find a cute ant picture because the ant that graced me with it's presence today (in my soup)...not sooo cute!

So needless to say I didn't get to enjoy my soup today....I'm thinking I shouldn't have gotten out of bed today....LOL

Oh...and I already mentioned that I didnt get on the Fancy Pants Design like I said...should have stayed in bed today...LOL

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